Fungal Morphogenesis (解讀真菌之形態發育)
趙紹惠 和
Siu-Wai Chiu & David Moore
Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong SAR, China
School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, UK
承蒙遠東及香港區共濟會之菲裘新研究東亞學科基金的贊助,使這部以中文介紹真菌生理、生化、遺傳、細胞學、發育和形態的資料可出版,著者深致謝意! 特別鳴謝W. Bro. Peter J. Nunn 的支持。
The authors are deeply grateful to The Freemasons’ Fund for East Asian Studies by the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East, without which this publication would not have been possible. We are especially grateful to Mr. W. Bro. Peter J. Nunn, District Grand Secretary of the Fund for the kind support. Recently there have been a few mycology books been published. The information is overwhelming. In order to give a precise and concise introduction on fungal morphogenesis, the authors adopt an illustrative approach. In this webpage, relevant mycological websites is included for the readers to update information resource and/or participate in discussion forum.
科學出版社 (1976) 真菌名詞及名稱 中國科學院印刷廠:北京。 英漢對照
科學出版社 (1997) 英漢生物化學詞典 第四版 中國科學院印刷廠:北京。
楊葆昌、王積濤等 (1964) 化學化工名詞彙編 商務印書館:香港。 英漢對照
裘維蕃、余永年 (1998) 菌物學大全 科學出版社:北京。
貓頭鷹編譯小組 (1999) 生物學辭典 貓頭鷹出版社股份有限公司:台北。
張宏達、林哲甫、張維欽 (2001) 朗文英漢雙解生物學辭典 第11版 培生教育出版北亞洲有限公司:香港。
無名氏 (2000) 金山詞霸2000:無話不說的超厚詞典 北京金山公司:北京。 (電腦軟件)
Alexopoulous, C. J., C. W. Mims & M. Blackwell (1996) Introductory Mycology. 4th edn. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chiu, S. W. & D. Moore (1996) Patterns in Fungal Development. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U. K.
Esser, K. & P. A. Lemke (1994 – 2002) The Mycota: a Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research. Volumes 1-10. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Hong Kong.
Moore, D. (1998) Fungal Morphogenesis. Cambridge University Press: U.S.A.
Moore, D. & L. Novak Frazer (2002) Essential Fungal Genetics. Springer-Verlag: New York.
Moore-Landecker, E. (1996) Fundamentals of the Fungi. 4th edn. Prentice Hall, New York.
Oliver, R. & M. Schweizer (1999) Molecular Fungal Biology. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U. K. & New York.
Mycological Resources on the Internet: Http://
Fungal Biology & Genetics, an authoritative journal in mycology
Mycologia, an international journal by American Society for Mycology
Mycological Research, an international journal
by British Mycological Society
第一章: 甚是真菌? Chapter 1.
What are Fungi?
第二章: 真菌的生長 Chapter 2. Growth in Fungi
第三章: 真菌的新陳代謝 Chapter 3. Fungal
第四章: 有利真菌的形態發育的生理因子 Chapter
4. Physiological Preparation for Morphogenesis
第五章:真菌形態發育的過程 Chapter 5.
Fungal Morphogenesis
第六章:細胞分化和形態發育的遺傳機制 Chapter 6.
Genetic Basis for Cell Differentiation &Fungal Morphogenesis
英中詞 Glossary